The Magic of Tarot
I like to think of tarot cards as a mirror into our soul, captured in a single moment in time, capable of showing us what we want or need to see to put us into the action of manifesting.
When I was in college, I used to do $5 Tarot readings in my bestie’s dorm, around the pool on spring break adventures #lamplighterinn, and in small gatherings in my home and others’. Sometimes one on one, and sometimes with group engagement and commentary (just like now!), we would sit in awe of how close to home the cards hit. For days, and sometimes weeks, we’d talk about this card or that, sometimes in disbelief that the reading happened as predicted (also like now!).
Let me let you in on a little secret. Life turned out as predicted by the Tarot because the cards reflected back to my querent what they needed in that moment. Whether it was the empowerment they needed to turn a grade around or end a soured relationship or the insights they craved about what to do at the end of the school year or after graduation, the cards showed them the way. The way I read the cards then (as I read them now!) inspired my seekers to believe in themselves to do the thing they wanted to do.
Many years later, I learned in coaching school that there’s no greater motivator in a person’s life than an ah-ha moment they come to all on their own. You and I can give outstanding advice (as we do!) until we’re blue in the face, but until that wisdom beams from that deep place of knowing inside our advisee, the flames of motivation flicker and dim. Knowing this little secret to human motivation helps me as a coach and as a tarot reader. My job is to ask the right questions that lead you into giving air and fire and water and earth to your deepest desires. And then I help you create momentum for getting into action and markers for success.
This is my raison d’etre. Personally, professionally, soulally (yes, I made up that word. It won’t be the last time), I want all of you—and everyone in the world—to have the tools, power, support and momentum to achieve your potential. And I think Tarot does a really nice job of opening up insights in ways few other divination or professional tools can, insights that help lead you into whatever and wherever is next for you.
It feels like the world is burning all around us, politically, figuratively and literally. This winter had been so dark and cold and helpless and scary and like everything seems out of control. But the days are suddenly brighter and longer and warmer. I can feel it all around. Spring is coming. And with it a spark of hope. And a new chance for you to reclaim your power.
There is some crazy shit happening in the planets in March, and I highly recommend you go read a horocope (or two!) to figure out what these planetary parties in Pisces and Aries mean for you, but there’s one thing about Pisces and Aries that holds tried and true no matter what the other planets are doing. Pisces season invites you to dream. And Aries seasons lights the fire to act.
The time has come.
Get out your tarot cards (or come get a reading from me), and take a long look in that mirror of magic. Imagine what’s next for you (for yourself or the resistance!) and when the sun moves into Aries in a couple of weeks, get to work! It’s time for all of us to reclaim our power!